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PRESENTATIONS Bottle of 25, 50 and 100 doses. FORMULA Modified active virus of Newcastle disease Cepa La Sota. Minimum degree 107 UH / 0.05 ml. origin cell culture. USE IN Poultry. INDICATIONS Vaccine especially indicated to prevent Newcastle disease in young birds of replacement, broiler, chicken out of posture, pigeons and other birds. ADVANTAGE It provides solid and prolonged immunity without severe postvaccinal response. BIRDS OF ORNATO AND CORRAL ROUTE OF ADMINISTRATION Ocular or nasal route: 1 drop per bird. Intramuscular or subcutaneous route: 0.2 ml. Oral route: in drinking water. BIRDS OF POSTURE AND FATTENING As a primary vaccination from 8-10 days of age, revaccinate every 3 months according to the criteria of your veterinarian. DOSAGE AND ROUTE OF ADMINISTRATION Oral route, in drinking water: Dissolve the contents of a bottle in the amount of water that should be consumed between one and two hours maximum, according to the time of years and the age of the birds. Add 2.5 gr. of skimmed milk powder and dissolve for each liter of medicated drink water, in order to stabilize the vaccine in the water. It is recommended to suspend the water supply one or two hours before medicating the drinking water so that all the birds are thirsty and consume the adequate dose of the vaccine. The drinking water must be clean and fresh, free of residues of medicines and disinfectants. The drinkers must be clean and in sufficient numbers so that all birds have access at the same time. Do not expose medicated water to sources of heat or direct sunlight. Intraocular or intranasal route: dissolve the vaccine and apply one drop per bird, only as a first vaccination from the first day of age, depending on the enzootia of the disease in the area. By sprinkling: a bottle dissolved in the sterile diluent from the 4th week of age according to the number of birds to be vaccinated. WARNING Keep refrigerated between 4 ° and 7 ° C, avoid freezing. Stay in places not exposed to direct sunlight. Once the vaccine is prepared, use all the content. Do not save leftovers for later applications. Vacune only healthy birds. Do not vaccinate sick or weak birds. Incinerate the empty jar or with leftovers. Avoid contact of the product with the eyes.



Emblema producto exportable

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GUADALAJARA, Jalisco, México

  • Manufactura
  • Agriculture, food and beverages

Product detail

General information

Visits 1752
Minimum order
Production capacity by pieces 4000


About the company


Name   Companies DIAPLISA SA DE C V
Municipios calle 10 1914, FERROCARRIL 44440. GUADALAJARA, Jalisco. México
Registered Company 2018-09-22 14:03:43
Total employees 51-100 personas
Company type
  • Manufactura
Economic activity
  • Agriculture, food and beverages
Description company prodution and sale of veterinary products and vaccines
Languages Español

Commercial data

Annual sales 4.01 - $ 50 mdp
Company classification Company Exporting
Main countries you export
  • Guatemala
Percentage of exports
Start of exports 2017-01-01
Availability for production of other private brands Sin disponibilidad