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Product code: 7501233720374


IN SIGHT: An intense amber color, bright and reddish. AL OLFATO: A soft fruity harmony, where cooked agave predominates, with touches of roasted nuts and strengthened by the sweet aroma, traditional too of the Agave Honeys. TO THE MOUTH: Harmonious, elegant, soft, light body but defined, what It gives you the nobility required to mix it with your favorite beverage. FA FINAL: Short, recovering the aromas of Agave Honeys, without saturating the palate. Inviting the next drink. RED SOIL: Blue Agave - Red Soil: Admirable combination of factors in a binomial of quality. The Red Soil of Los Altos de Jalisco has something special that it transmits to its agaves, that if we cannot define, if we can enjoy.



Emblema producto exportable

Logo proveedor


Tepatitlan de Morelos Jalisco, Aguascalientes, México

  • Distribuidor/Mayorista
  • Agriculture, food and beverages
  • Tequila

Product detail

General information

Visits 536
Minimum order 3000000
Production capacity by pieces 300,000


Brand \ Red Soil Category \ liquor with Tequila % Alcohol \ 28% Alc Vol. Origen \ Tepatitlán, Jal.

About the company


Name   Companies ALZATRADERS S.A.P.I. DE C.V.
Municipios Jose Clemente Orozco 185 A, Hacienda la Gloria 47670. Tepatitlan de Morelos Jalisco, Aguascalientes. México
Registered Company 2020-02-13 14:15:56
Total employees 11-50 personas
Company type
  • Distribuidor/Mayorista
Economic activity
  • Agriculture, food and beverages
  • Tequila
Description company We are a company with more than 40 years in the specialization, development and commercialization of wines and spirits, committed to the constant search for the satisfaction of our customers and consumers, primarily through the positioning of our brands, backed by the quality of origin that It characterizes the Jalisco Highlands Region. As well as in the selection of the brands we represent. We are characterized in the development of attractive and innovative products that aim to meet different needs in different market segments. Recognized for being a company that fulfills the commercial commitments generated with the clients of the different distribution channels, for the attention, service and timely solution to their needs; distinguished by consumers for the quality and differentiation of their products. Enjoy the taste of the best products ...
Languages English

Commercial data

Annual sales 0 - $ 4 mdp
Company classification Company Exporting
Main countries you export
  • Japón
Percentage of exports
Start of exports
Availability for production of other private brands Sin disponibilidad