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Product code: SELLO MD


The platform door seals block the passage of air, dust, rain, insects and other agents that could interfere during the maneuvers of loading and unloading materials. Depending on the height of the vehicle they are divided into three series: FS seals: are the most suitable to receive vehicles with variable heights. AS seals: recommended to receive vehicles with uniform height. Shelters: when the height of the vehicle is greater than 10 feet.



Emblema producto exportable

Logo proveedor


Guadalajara , Jalisco, México

  • Distribuidor/Mayorista
  • Otros
  • Home, lighting and construction

Product detail

General information

Visits 759
Minimum order 1
Production capacity by pieces 500


About the company


Name   Companies MASTER DOCK
Municipios CALLE PLATANO 1372, DEL FRESNO 44909. Guadalajara , Jalisco. México
Registered Company 2018-09-24 10:39:38
Total employees 11-50 personas
Company type
  • Distribuidor/Mayorista
  • Otros
Economic activity
  • Home, lighting and construction
Description company Master Dock is a 100% Mexican company dedicated to the supply, installation, maintenance and repair of equipment for platforms, sectional doors, roller blinds and industrial and residential fast curtains, pedestrian doors and special equipment. At present we are manufacturers of seals for platform doors, edged platform levelers, and platform stops and distributors of several national and international prestige brands for the development of industrial and residential projects of our select list of clients.
Languages English

Commercial data

Annual sales 100.01 - $ 250 mdp
Company classification Company Exporting
Main countries you export
Percentage of exports
Start of exports
Availability for production of other private brands Total disponibilidad