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Product code: 7500462613044


Product name: Salsa para Chilaquiles Tradicional, red sauce for chilaquiles. Description: Sauce for preparing chilaquiles. Presentation: Glass container with metal lid and label in choice of color, content 460 milliliters/15.55 fl oz, box with 12 pieces. Suggested mode of use: To prepare a portion of 100ml., pour the sauce into a hot pan, bring to a boil over low heat, empty the chips, mix gently and serve to taste. Use restrictions: It doesn’t have Ingredients: Tomato, chili peppers, garlic, onion, water, iodized salt, condiments and spices. Alergens: It doesn’t contain Organoleptic color: Red Appearence: Homogeneous fluid liquid Flavor: Characteristic of Chilaquiles rojos Smell: Typical Chilaquiles rojos Expiration date: 1 year. Storage conditions: Store in a cool, dry place, it doesn’t contain food preservatives, it is recommended to refrigerate once the product has been opened.



Emblema producto exportable

Logo proveedor


zapopan, Jalisco, México

  • Otros
  • Agriculture, food and beverages

Product detail

General information

Visits 228
Minimum order 900
Production capacity by pieces 960


non-conservative glass bottle Expiration date: 1 year. Alergens: It doesn’t contain

About the company


Name   Companies LA MEJORANAGDL
Municipios boyero 3408, la calma 45070. zapopan, Jalisco. México
Registered Company 2020-08-25 16:13:31
Total employees Menos de 5 personas
Company type
  • Otros
Economic activity
  • Agriculture, food and beverages
Description company OUR VISION Produce and offer high quality food typical of Mexican cuisine to consumers, providing a unique experience through our homemade flavor, as well as satisfying the needs of our customers and collaborators.
Languages English

Commercial data

Annual sales 0 - $ 4 mdp
Company classification Company Exporting
Main countries you export
Percentage of exports
Start of exports
Availability for production of other private brands Sin disponibilidad