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Presentations: Bottle of 2, 4, 6, 12 and 50 million with diluent attached Description: POWDER FOR INJECTABLE SUSPENSION. Powerful combination of DICLOXACILINA SODICA of rapid ABSORPTION, PENICILLIN G PROCAINICA, ESTREPTOMICINA of intermediate action and PENICILLIN G BENZATINICA of prolonged action. Constitute an antibiotic of choice for the treatment of the most frequent infections in all animal species. Potentialized with DEXAMETAZONA 21 PHOSPHATE, GLUCONOGENIC DEFLATION OF PROLONGED ACTION AND SODIUM DICLOFENACO, analgesic, antipyretic, anti stress, anti-inflammatory and antispasmodic long action. Achieving a broad antimicrobial coverage plus the anti-inflammatory, analgesic, anti-stress and antipyretic action promoting a faster recovery and relief. Indications: Broad-spectrum antibiotic with rapid action and prolonged effect, with a wide margin of safety therapist even in animals with over-acute infectious conditions. Dosing based on the clinical process of the veterinarian in treatment of: PNEUMONIA, SEPTICEMIAS, MENINGITIS, TRAUMATIC WOUNDS, LAMINITIS, SEPTIC ARTHRITIS, METRITIS, MASTITIS, ABCESOS, CLOSTRIDIASIS, PASTEURELLOSIS and in general in acute, acute or chronic infections caused by sensitive microorganisms to the formula in all animal species. Dose: From 11,000 to 22,000 IU per kg of weight equivalent to 1 ml c / 10-20 kg of weight. Rebuild the powder by aseptically adding the attached diluent and shake and apply by deep intramuscular route according to INDICATIONS AND UNDER SUPERVISION OF THE VETERINARY PHYSICIAN. Warning: Antibiotic for exclusive use in VETERINARY MEDICINE. Do not apply to females who testify. DO NOT APPLY IN BIRDS, OR IN HORSES INTENDED FOR HUMAN CONSUMPTION. Like all PENICILLINS, they may have allergic reactions or hypersensitivity. Your purchase requires a medical prescription. Store in a cool, dry place, protected from intense sunlight. Do not leave it within the reach of children and pets. Withdrawal time: Do not use this product 30 days before the slaughter of the animals destined for HUMAN consumption. Do not use milk for HUMAN consumption up to 72 HRS after the last application.



Emblema producto exportable

Logo proveedor


GUADALAJARA, Jalisco, México

  • Manufactura
  • Agriculture, food and beverages

Product detail

General information

Visits 908
Minimum order
Production capacity by pieces 2000


About the company


Name   Companies DIAPLISA SA DE C V
Municipios calle 10 1914, FERROCARRIL 44440. GUADALAJARA, Jalisco. México
Registered Company 2018-09-22 14:03:43
Total employees 51-100 personas
Company type
  • Manufactura
Economic activity
  • Agriculture, food and beverages
Description company prodution and sale of veterinary products and vaccines
Languages Español

Commercial data

Annual sales 4.01 - $ 50 mdp
Company classification Company Exporting
Main countries you export
  • Guatemala
Percentage of exports
Start of exports 2017-01-01
Availability for production of other private brands Sin disponibilidad