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Product code: PJMF1000b


---THIS PRODUCT IS NOT A MEDICINE, ITS CONSUMPTION IS THE RESPONSIBILITY OF THE CONSUMER---- WHAT IS PROPOLIS? Propolis is a black resinous substance that bees collect from the buds and bark of certain trees or herbaceous plants. Bees primarily use it to disinfect surfaces within the hive. It has antibiotic (fungicidal and bacterial), healing, anti-inflammatory, analgesic, and anti-allergic properties, in addition to stimulating our immune system. PROPOLIS SYRUP It is formulated from ORGANIC propolis dissolved in sugarcane alcohol, San Ignacio ORGANIC honey, and extracts of eucalyptus, mint, elderberry, and mullein, which accentuate its antibiotic properties and enhance its effectiveness against respiratory diseases. APPLICATIONS Healing of gastric ulcers Treatment of respiratory diseases (flu, tonsillitis, chronic cough) DOSAGE Gastric ulcers: take a teaspoon of syrup before each meal, aiding in the healing of the ulcer. Respiratory diseases (tonsillitis, laryngitis, flu): Take small amounts of syrup frequently, maintaining a protective layer in the throat. Continue consuming a teaspoon of syrup 7 days after the discomfort ceases to prevent a relapse.



Emblema producto exportable

Logo proveedor


Gómez Farías, Jalisco, México

  • Empresa Comercial
  • Agriculture, food and beverages

Product detail

General information

Visits 27
Minimum order 1
Production capacity by pieces 1000


---THIS PRODUCT IS NOT A MEDICINE, ITS CONSUMPTION IS THE RESPONSIBILITY OF THE CONSUMER---- WHAT IS PROPOLIS? Propolis is a black resinous substance that bees collect from the buds and bark of certain trees or herbaceous plants. Bees primarily use it to disinfect surfaces within the hive. It has antibiotic (fungicidal and bacterial), healing, anti-inflammatory, analgesic, and anti-allergic properties, in addition to stimulating our immune system. PROPOLIS SYRUP It is formulated from ORGANIC propolis dissolved in sugarcane alcohol, San Ignacio ORGANIC honey, and extracts of eucalyptus, mint, elderberry, and mullein, which accentuate its antibiotic properties and enhance its effectiveness against respiratory diseases. APPLICATIONS Healing of gastric ulcers Treatment of respiratory diseases (flu, tonsillitis, chronic cough) DOSAGE Gastric ulcers: take a teaspoon of syrup before each meal, aiding in the healing of the ulcer. Respiratory diseases (tonsillitis, laryngitis, flu): Take small amounts of syrup frequently, maintaining a protective layer in the throat. Continue consuming a teaspoon of syrup 7 days after the discomfort ceases to prevent a relapse.

About the company


Municipios Lopez Cotilla 31 B, Centro 49120. Gómez Farías, Jalisco. México
Registered Company 2024-02-24 11:38:47
Total employees 5-10 personas
Company type
  • Empresa Comercial
Economic activity
  • Agriculture, food and beverages
Description company Mieles San Ignacio is a family-owned company located in the southern part of Jalisco, Mexico, specializing in the production of organic honey. With over 40 years of experience in the beekeeping sector, their main goal is to produce the finest organic honey, adhering to the strictest quality and safety standards. The company prides itself on its Mexican roots and is committed to promoting health and the conservation of bees through its organic products.
Languages English

Commercial data

Annual sales 4.01 - $ 50 mdp
Company classification Company Exporting
Main countries you export
  • Estados Unidos de América
Percentage of exports
Start of exports 2023-01-01
Availability for production of other private brands Total disponibilidad