MyTrade es una plataforma digital para la promoción de negocios entre empresas (B2B).
Product code: Certificación


The certification is aimed at professionals who need a working knowledge of the fundamental concepts of software testing. This includes people in roles such as: test designers, test analysts, test engineers, consultants, test managers, user acceptance testers, and IT industry professionals. The entry-level certification is also suitable for anyone who needs a basic knowledge of software testing, such as: project managers, quality managers, software development managers, business analysts, IT managers and management consultants.



Logo proveedor


Guadalajara, Jalisco, México

  • Otros
  • Creative, technological, logistic and professional services

Product detail

General information

Visits 432
Minimum order
Production capacity by pieces No aplica


About the company


Name   Companies SYE SOFTWARE S.A. DE C.V.
Municipios Avenida Lopez Mateos Sur 2128, Chapalita 44500. Guadalajara, Jalisco. México
Registered Company 2018-11-28 09:39:00
Total employees 11-50 personas
Company type
  • Otros
Economic activity
  • Creative, technological, logistic and professional services
Description company We recruit from a pool of qualified potential development employees the right candidate to the right environment. This ensures flexibility and ability to build a powerful team that is dedicated to the company for the long run. Also in SYE Software we have a trained staff in best practices and where we are certified in Capability Maturity Model Integration Level 3 for Development (CMMI) and we work with agile methodologies like Scrum and Kanban. Why to choose SYE Software? Very competitive values for experienced engineers Wide range of candidates per position No labor and no infrastructure costs Acceptable time zone differences for teams located in México
Languages Español
Certifications Scrum Alliance, Scrum Maste, Scrum Product Owner, Atlassian, SAP, SAP Bussiness Objects, CMMI, Loyalist, Carnegie Mellon, IT link

Commercial data

Annual sales 0 - $ 4 mdp
Company classification Company no Exporting
Main countries you export
Percentage of exports
Start of exports
Availability for production of other private brands Total disponibilidad