MyTrade es una plataforma digital para la promoción de negocios entre empresas (B2B).
Product code: Software


We are passionate in the construction, design and testing of software. Our reason for being, is to create a pleasant and fun experience for people who use the software made by our team. We are leaders in software engineering with more than 300 certified engineers, providing quality services that add value to your business. The spirit of Qualtop Software In order to keep customers 100% satisfied, we maintain open and constant communication in each of our deliveries. We work hand in hand with our clients seeking to understand their expectations, in order to create software products that quickly add value to the company. DEVELOPMENT PROCESS Connect We know and learn about business needs. Qualtop: Software Research We seek the best solution alternatives to your needs. Qualtop: Software Design think Collaborative activity with the client, proposing hypotheses putting them to the test to find what works and what does not work. Qualtop: Software Lean - UX Process to design products and services that allow to refine progressively, quickly and efficiently the offer of value to users. Qualtop: Software Planning Architectural planning activities and technical solution in product development. Qualtop: Software Agile DEV Development of SW in an iterative and incremental way where the requirements and solutions evolve over time according to the needs of the project. Qualtop: Software Improvement Evaluation by the customer of the product and service delivered, definition of support and maintenance of the product. Course / Workshop on Software Testing, Methodologies and Techniques Development of Requirements through User Stories Software Architecture CMAP Mobile App Testing-Foundation Level CMAP Mobile App Testing Automation ISTQB Mobile App Testing Automation ISTQB-CTFL Foundation Level Ux



Logo proveedor


Guadalajara, Jalisco, México

  • Empresa Comercial
  • Otros
  • Creative, technological, logistic and professional services

Product detail

General information

Visits 677
Minimum order
Production capacity by pieces No aplica


About the company


Name   Companies QUALTOP S.A. DE C.V.
Municipios Avenida Lopez Mateos Sur 2077, Jardines de Plaza del Sol 44510. Guadalajara, Jalisco. México
Registered Company 2018-11-22 12:44:56
Total employees 51-100 personas
Company type
  • Empresa Comercial
  • Otros
Economic activity
  • Creative, technological, logistic and professional services
Description company We are specialists in maximizing organizational capacities through innovation and agility processes. We are dedicated to driving the planned growth and success of companies through our consulting services, training, implementation of advanced technology and models related to best practices
Languages Español
Certifications ISO 27001 CMMI SVC 5

Commercial data

Annual sales 50.01 - $ 100 mdp
Company classification Company no Exporting
Main countries you export
  • Colombia
Percentage of exports
Start of exports 2017-03-14
Availability for production of other private brands Total disponibilidad