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Product code: 606110961196


Made exclusively of 100% Pure Hass Avocados from Mexico. Cold pressed, because of this, they maintain their natural color, flavor and odor. Our oils also keep all the healthy nutrients in avocados for you and your family's health.



Emblema producto exportable
Emblema empresa verificada

Logo proveedor


Zapopan, Jalisco, México

  • Empresa Comercial
  • Agriculture, food and beverages

Product detail

General information

Visits 931
Minimum order 4000
Production capacity by pieces 40000


About the company


Name   Companies OMEGALI
Municipios Avenida Real Acueducto 360-A, Piso 5, Puerta de Hierro 45116. Zapopan, Jalisco. México
Registered Company 2018-08-16 13:36:46
Total employees Menos de 5 personas
Company type
  • Empresa Comercial
Economic activity
  • Agriculture, food and beverages
Description company Our unique oils are made exclusively of 100% Pure Hass Avocados from Mexico. Because of this, they maintain their natural color, flavor and odor. Our oils also keep all the healthy nutrients in avocados for you and your family's health.
Languages English
Certifications FDA, CE, NonGMo

Commercial data

Annual sales 4.01 - $ 50 mdp
Company classification Company Exporting
Main countries you export
  • Francia
Percentage of exports
Start of exports 2017-08-15
Availability for production of other private brands Total disponibilidad